Por favor, introduce tu correo electrónico:
1. What’s your name?
2. ________ are you from? – I’m from France
3. How old are you? – I ________ (16).
4. There isn’t _______ money in the bank.
5. Mrs. Wilson usually ________ to work.
6. I can see a big black cloud; I think it ________ rain.
7. We’re having a meeting to discuss the new project ________10:30.
8. You don’t need that coat in here; why don’t you _______?
9. How many _______ she see every week?
10. Last year I _______ in Greece.
11. I know what that word means! I looked ________ in my dictionary.
12. This kind of music is very popular ________ young people at the moment.
Pregunta 1 de 12